There are so many good golf games to play, most of which have rules that make betting easy, too.
One of the greatest golf games takes a lot of skill and guts and strategy, and it's called Mulligan-Recall.
The rules of Mulligan-Recall
Mulligan-Recall is a golf game you can play unto itself, or it can be a twist added to pretty much any golf game with This is a points-based, individual game you can play with four players.
Before the round starts, the players determine how many times a player can use a mulligan and how many times a player can use a recall. A mulligan allows a player to re-hit the shot they just hit, from approximately the same position, as a do-over of sorts -- just as the name mulligan implies in regular golf. A recall allows a player to force another player to re-hit the shot they just hit, from approximately the same position, as a do-over of sorts -- a reverse mulligan, basically.
As an example, a foursome could declare that a player gets two mulligans and two recalls per nine holes. This way, there's plenty of action and suspense.
Golf games: Wolf | Scramble | Shamble | Snake | Nines or 5-3-1 | Nassau | Skins game | Quota | Snake | Chapman | Bingo Bango Bongo | Mulligan-Recall

During the round, the players hit their shots as decided by score or the rules of the base game being played -- for example, Wolf.
To use a mulligan, Player A would first hit a shot and not be pleased with the result. After the shot's result is known, Player A can immediately call for a mulligan, if available, and use it to hit the shot again.
To use a recall, Player A would first hit a shot and be pleased with the result. Players B and C and D might not be happy with that result, as it could cost them a chance to win the hole or score points. After the outcome of Player A's shot is known, any of the other players can then immediately use a recall, if available, to force Player A to hit the shot again.
Typically, Player A can be required to hit the same shot over and over again so long as the other players have recalls available to use and choose to use them. If the players with available recalls choose not to use them, the next shot is then hit.
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In some variations of the game, there are multiples for players who are recalled and still either hole out a putt or win the hole outright. In some variations, players earn points for not using mulligans and recalls. Sometimes, a player has to pay with money or points to use mulligans and recalls.
From there, the round of golf unfolds based on the base game selected. The player with the best score or highest point total wins the game.